Donald and Angela

Donald and Angela
Us in Venice, Italy - Feb. 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

28 Weeks

Hello All! We hope you all enjoyed the holidays! Our holidays were filled with lots of family and love...we are so excited that this time next year we will have Keaton to share the holidays with! 
Sean and Jaime Terry & Angela and Donald Terry 
Donald and I in Eureka, CA

My 28th week doctor appointment went well! I was given a glucose test that came back negative for Gestational Diabetes. Keaton's heartbeat was strong and healthy. My blood pressure and protein levels were all healthy. I hope this healthy trend continues for the rest of the pregnancy!

Keaton is a very active baby...he likes to kick and punch as I go to sleep and likes to wake me up around 4am for another session of exercise. It is such a wonderful experience to feel him in my tummy, but wow he is strong! He has defintiely started to prepare me for life without interrupted sleep. :)

Donald and I have started our pregnancy classes this month. We learned about pain management options for delivery and took a tour of Kaiser Roseville Hospital, where we will be delivering our little man. Next month, we start our "Lamaze" classes.
Feature Wall of the Nursery

I have been on Winter Break from teaching since Thanksgiving. These 5 weeks have allowed me to get the nursery organized and ready for Keaton's arrival. My mom helped by painting the wall and Donald put together all of his furniture. I "supervised" and inserted my designer opinion throughout the process. I go back to work January 3rd and I am looking forward to seeing my students and being busy again!

As of today, 12/27/10, we have 10 weeks until our due date! We can't wait to meet our little man!

Nursery from the Doorway

Thursday, November 18, 2010

24 Weeks

We went for a check-up on 11/16/10. Everything went great! I didn't gain any weight this month!!! Yey! At my last visit, my Dr. Informed me that I was on the high end of the weight scale. My Dr. Wasn't concerned, but I definitely was! So, I cut back in my splurges and took a few walks each week. My belly is measuring exactly where I should be at 24 months and few days. Keaton's current heartbeat is in the 150's and is very active! I can feel him through out the day...Daddy Donald has also felt a kick. We can't wait for him to get bigger and start to see his hands and feet pushing out of my belly.

We have started the nursery...the crib and bedding are ready. My mom and I will be painting a wall in the nursery next week. There is still TONS to buy and get ready, but decorating is so fun right now!

I am the worse pregnant woman ever...I have not taken any pictures of my belly! Sorry family and friends...I will get on it asap now that I am off work!

Love you all!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

20 Weeks Sonogram

We had our big sonogram on 11/18/10...and it was great to see the little guy again! Yes, that's right it's OFFICIAL it's a BOY! His name is Keaton Patrick Terry. The radiologist will be reviewing the pictures and let us know if there are any concerns. I have a check-up this Friday, 11/22/10, with my nurse practioner who may be able to give me the results.

Keaton's Hand
Most of you know, that we recently moved into a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom rental house. Donald's parents moved into our townhome from Fresno at the end of September. We love all of the space of our new home. For the most part, we are settled into our new place and enjoying it. (Our new address is 10159 Goinyour Way Sac, CA 95827)

With an extra room in our new home, we have been able to start getting the nursery ready! The nursery theme is primary colors with an accent of the Original Curious George. Donald set-up the crib a month ago and I recently purchased the cute Pottery Barn bedding set this past weekend. We are looking forward to adding more to Keaton's room in the coming months.

Keaton's Profile
Keaton's Foot
I am still feeling good...a little achy and tired, but nothing too bad. I am back in the classroom full-time, teaching fifth grade. I love being busy teaching and not sitting at home waiting for the time to pass. My teaching position will end February 28th...a week before my due date! I pray that I stay healthy and that I continue to work up to my delivery date.

We hope all of you are well! We miss and love you all!!! :) Oh and I will post pics of my belly very's big and I am a little camera shy right now!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Genetic Disease Screening Sonogram

Baby Profile
At 12 weeks, (8/25/10), Donald and I went for a genetics screening sonogram. This was a screening we chose to do, to know if our child has Down Syndrome or Tri 18. The screening includes a few blood tests, but the sonogram was so much fun! We got an awesome sonogram tech who was chatting with us about everything! She informed us that our baby did not have any excess fluid around its neck and that it was negative for Down Syndrome and Tri 18. Yey!
Cute Arm
Cute Leg

It's a BOY!

After the important stuff was out of the way, Donald and I asked her to look for the baby's gender. She didn't hold back...she told us that boys have three dots in the genital area, while girls have one dot/line. When she saw our baby's area she saw three dots! She said we would have to confirm it's a boy in a few more weeks with a practitioner, but that she was STRONGLY sure it was a BOY!!! Donald and I are very excited to have a boy and have already started planning all of the sports he will play! :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Second Doctor's Appointment

At 11 weeks (8/21/10) we went for our monthly prenatal check-up. No sonogram on this visit :( But we did get to hear the baby's heart beat. The nurse informed us that the heartbeat was at 160, right where it should be at 11 weeks. She predicted that it was a girl, because it was easier to find her heartbeat. We can't wait to see if she is right!!!

First Sonogram

At 7 weeks (7/21/10) we went to our first doctor's appointment. We confirmed the pregnancy and got our first look at the little peanut. Our due date is March 6, 2011! We even got to hear the tiny hear beat! Donald was so excited to hear the beating heart, it was absolutely priceless. I was stunned to say the least! :)

As for my symptoms, I have been EXTREMELY LUCKY! No morning sickness, thank god!! I have been tired, achy, and moody. ;)


We are so excited to be on this journey to parenthood! This blog will allow us to include everyone near and far over the next 9 months. Check back soon for new pics and posts!