Baby Profile |
12 weeks, (8/25/10), Donald and I went for a genetics screening sonogram. This was a screening we chose to do, to know if our child has Down Syndrome or Tri 18. The screening includes a few blood tests, but the sonogram was so much fun! We got an awesome sonogram tech who was chatting with us about everything! She informed us that our baby did not have any excess fluid around its neck and that it was negative for Down Syndrome and Tri 18. Yey!
Cute Arm |
Cute Leg |
It's a BOY! |
After the important stuff was out of the way, Donald and I asked her to look for the baby's gender. She didn't hold back...she told us that boys have three dots in the genital area, while girls have one dot/line. When she saw our baby's area she saw three dots! She said we would have to confirm it's a boy in a few more weeks with a practitioner, but that she was STRONGLY sure it was a BOY!!! Donald and I are very excited to have a boy and have already started planning all of the sports he will play! :)
I am so happy for you guys. I love you!